Première - 23th July 2020 - Teatro Franco Parenti Milano
In (QUARTETTO) PER LA FINE DEL TEMPO, four characters float each on their own island, preparing their bodies in solitude to face the others, at due distance, in the mysterious and fascinating impossibility of touching each other. The music score presents parts of the Quartet of the composer Olivier Messiaen together with some short chamber pieces by Ezio Bosso, pianist and composer of profound sensitivity and humanity.
Olivier Messiaen composed the Quartet in a situation of deep difficulty and imprisonment during the Second World War (Görlitz concentration camp in Poland), Raphael Bianco ‘s attention in this piece, is about time passing and what will happen next, getting the inspiration by the present time with the pandemic condition.
In a temporal space where everything is possible this characters are struggling between uncertainty but also hope: a humanity that acts in unusual perspectives, restless, transformed and quivering towards new horizons.
Choreography: Raphael Bianco
Assitant choreographer: Elena Rolla
Maître de ballet: Vincenzo Galano
Light design e stage concept: Enzo Galia
Music: Ezio Bosso, Olivier Messiaen
Costumes: Melissa Boltri
Dancers: 4
Duration: 30 min
Fondazione Egri per la Danza
In collaboration with
Fondazione Il Maggiore di Verbania, Teatro Franco Parenti Milano
With the support of
MIC - Ministero della Cultura, Regione Piemonte, Fondazione CRT, TAP - Torino Arti Performative